It is an operations center that unifies two concepts, the first of which is a SOC (Security Operation Center) that aims to protect the security of information (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) in networks and services, and can monitor, detect, investigate and contain suspicious and malicious activity.
The second concept is the NOC (Network Operation Center), in which the continuous monitoring of the availability, health and performance of the equipment is characterized.
Operations center that unifies two concepts:
SOC (Security Operation Center)
NOC (Network Operation Center)
In which it has a characteristic of continuous monitoring.
SOC-NOC implementation provides critical benefits such as:
A real-time vision of Security threats.
Real-time visibility of infrastructure resource consumption.
Real-time visibility of assets availability.
Proactive response to security and continuity events.
Identification and Mitigation of security breaches.
Globally Certified Service.
SOC (Security Operation Center) – NOC (Network Operation Center) Horus Monitors, Manages and Supports any technological infrastructure component to have a proactive response to any event that may compromise performance, security and availability under a scheme 7/24/365.
SOC NOC Horus has the international certifications ISO/IEC 20000-1 for IT Service Management, ISO/IEC 27001 for Information Security Management and ISO 9001 for Quality service.
The operation and delivery of the service are guaranteed under the highest quality standards at a global level. They have more than 20 Information Security Specialists with international Security certifications such as ITIL Version 4, Ethical Hacker, and CISSP, among others.
SOC NOC integrates the most advanced technological tools to enable its services and is a flexible tool that allows us to offer services according to the specific needs of our clients:
Security Platform
Real-time detection of threats in your infrastructure.
Highly trained and certified professionals in the implementation, operation, administration and configuration of technological tools.
IT infrastructure health and availability monitoring to anticipate events that cause outages or degradation of services.
We’ll send alarms for any abnormal event via SMS and Email..
24/7 service 365 days a year without interruption.
Analysis of behaviour, thresholds, statistics, attack vectors, deviations, suspicious and malicious activity.
Soc Noc Managed Services
Soc Noc Hours
Analysis and Correlation:
Stay one step ahead of its attackers, through new-generation technological engines; all the corporate network traffic is analyzed and correlated to contrast the activity patterns of the organization vs practices contained in different logs around the world to identify events security that has already been presented in various global locations and that could be present in your infrastructure.
Soc Noc Hours
IT Forensic Analysis:
This one step ahead of its attackers, employing new generation technological engines, all the corporate network traffic is analyzed and correlated, to contrast the activity patterns of the organization vs practices contained in different logs around the world to identify events security that has already been presented in various global locations and that could be present in your infrastructure.
Soc Noc Hours
Do not wait for unavailability events to materialize. With 24/7 Health and Availability monitoring, you can view resource consumption and service enabling assets’ availability.
Soc Noc Hours
Do not wait for unavailability events to materialize. With Availability and Health monitoring in a 24/7 scheme, you can visualize the consumption of resources and service enabling assets’ availability.
Soc Noc Hours
Do not wait for unavailability events to materialize. With 24/7 Health and Availability monitoring, you can view resource consumption and service enabling assets’ availability.
Soc Noc Hours
Ensure your assets are adequately protected, test your network computing systems or web applications for vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit.
Soc Noc Hours
Identify malicious behaviour patterns present on the Web, Deep Web and Dark Web to maintain your company’s security and adherence to the correct use of the organization’s resources on the Internet.
Soc Noc Hours
Don’t let cyber criminals exploit your weaknesses by identifying security gaps in your organization’s assets for monitoring and mitigation.
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Aviso de Privacidad
Soc-Noc Horus es el responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales que nos proporcione. Sus datos personales, serán utilizados para las siguientes finalidades:
a) Registrar su inscripción ala modalidad de capacitación que haya elegido.
b) Generar listas de asistencias y validación de las mismas.
c) Emisión de constancia de participación o asistencia de acuerdo a la modalidad de que se trate; d) Establecer comunicación para dar seguimiento de los cursos o aclaración de dudas sobre sus datos, notificación de cancelación o cambio de horario, fecha o sede.
e) Generar estadísticas para informes obligatorios. De manera adicional, utilizaremos su información personal para las siguientes finalidades que no son necesarias, pero que nos permiten y facilitan brindarle una mejor atención:
a) Envío de material de exposición o apoyo.
b) Invitaciones a futuros eventos. En caso de que no desee que sus datos personales sean tratados para las finalidades adicionales, usted puede manifestarlo en el correo electrónico Soc-Noc Horus informa que no se realizarán transferencias que requieran su consentimiento, salvo aquellas que sean necesarias para atender requerimientos de información de una autoridad competente, debidamente fundados y motivados. Para mayor información acerca del tratamiento y de los derechos que puede hacer valer, usted puede acceder al aviso de privacidad integral de cursos o eventos a través de, en la sección de Avisos de Privacidad.